Watch What You Say…
Coparenting with someone else can be stressful even in the best of times, but divorce can make that even tougher. A trend in divorce and child custody cases is to include a clause in the agreements to prohibit parents from doing things that could negatively impact their children, such as no corporal punishment, or no speaking badly of the other parent, or not leaving the children with a third party without giving the other parent a heads up.
It’s tough to watch what we say, but if you have kids, you are well aware - they are sponges with a play back feature, meaning they hear all and repeat all. If you slip up and say something nasty about the other parent, or a stepparent, or grandparent, there’s a good chance that could get back to them, and if there’s a clause in your custody agreement or divorce degree that prohibits that, it could mean problems down the road, including having to go back to court. Not to mention, everyone involved with your child: you, the other parent(s), family members, and friends, wants what’s best for your child, and often, what’s best for them is to watch what you say about their other parent(s) and family members.